
Lion Rock viewpoint taken on 2021-06-25 while geocaching.

Using Slack for CW Academy

During the latter part of my Basic class, when students were becoming more engaged, we ran into several problems with the email and text messaging. As an experiment, we used Slack in my intermediate class the most recent term.  Feedback was overwhelmingly positive.  In the spirit of trying to give back, I thought it would be

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Morse Runner

General advice to get started on single call mode in Morse Runner (Ken Tucker, WF6F, Jim Carson, WT8P): Accuracy is more important than speed.  Wait until the sending station is done transmitting before you respond.  If you respond over him, immediately hit the escape key to stop. Scoring increases as you go along (see below).

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Tracked down my first RFI this evening! This squiggly thing: was showing up when I was on 160M and was caused by the charger for my Macbook. The squiggle would start moving down frequency until the radio stopped transmitting (and the computer driving the sound out).

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Field Day 2018

There were scant formalized opportunities for field day this year as local clubs either didn’t have a formal program (Redmond) or weren’t actively open (Issaquah), so I joined my friend K7IP in Ocean Shores to mess around with radios and do some geocaching.   We operated from the public beach south of town.  (4WD very helpful

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Setting up FT8

(Updated 2022-03-08: links to JT-Alert tutorial, K4 setup tutorial; added links to Meinberg NTP and Grid Tracker; updated screenshots of PSK Reporter & WSJTX 2.5.4) Download and install the latest distribution from the WSJT-X project page. The documentation is well-written and useful. Please, pretty please, verify your system clock is set accurately. Seriously. The FT8

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A month of QSOs

I’ve finished a month of QSOs and thought it’d be fun to look at the results. Early (5pm) in the evening, I can hear activity along the east coast, Mexico, and Cuba(!), but I am unable to get through.  Not surprisingly, most of my contacts have been between 7pm and 10pm (02 – 05 UTC), when

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