
In a gadda albedo

[This is the remaining set of mental notes on the AGU conference, mostly as a mark for me to look up more later. Because it’s been a week two weeks, including a week of doing real work to ship products (w00t!), my recollection isn’t as good as it could be.]

In a gadda albedo Read More »

Lenny Bruce was not afraid

He doesn’t bite. The first bloc of today’s presentations were about carbon capture and sequestration. Fascinating stuff. The first presenter, from the Carbon Mitigation Initiative, presented a “stabilization triangle” model. Carbon emissions in 2004 were estimated to be 7 gigatons/year. On the current path, it’s expected to be 14 Gt/y by 2055. Stabilizing output would

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Looking east

I sat in on only 11 sessions today, down from 24 yesterday and 21 on Monday.   (The coolest thing was  seeing work on modeling turbidity flow in Monterey Canyon.   Mentioned in another session as an example of how boiling water can instantly freeze was this video.)  Indeed, most of the day was spent wandering

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Love is like Nitrogen

The high-level observations for today: “Invited” speakers tend to be better than those that are… not invited. I do not have enough data on quality of uninvited talks, but I see an opportunity for a great practical joke. If the invited speaker isn’t working, you can either wait it out or go to the alternate

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Elastic Computing

With my products’ release imminent, I spent last weekend coaxing Amazon’s Elastic Computing Cloud (ECC) into action. The ECC is appealing for a few reasons: It’s someone else’s high-throughput network – product distributions, especially with demo files, are in the hundreds of megabytes. The T1 at work is 1.4Mb/s. Sharing, firewalls, and proxies reduce my

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Traffic patterns

While I was driving around Tucson, I was struck by how differently the traffic lights sequenced.  (Phoenix didn’t seem to have the noticeable differences.)  Consider this intersection of Some Boulevard and No Way: Some Boulevard is the moderately-trafficked arterial going left-right. In this intersection, left turns have to yield to oncoming traffic. The pedestrian crosswalk

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