
Application Insecurity

When I bought my computer and applications, it was with the notion that I would accomplish things.  I am wondering if vendors got this memo because it surely seems like I spend a lot of my time and my system’s power to address shortcomings in the core system. Out of the box, Windows needs OS

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Tape Art

Step 1: Find the vacuum cleaner. (It’s in the bedroom. No, the other bedroom.  Maybe the study?  Oh, wait, that’s right, I was vacuuming the garage carpets out – look there.) Step 2: Buy plastic film (not shown) and packing tape in Costco quantities. (1 CEU = five miles.) Step 3: Wrap vacuum in plastic

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Web hosting suggestions needed

For the last month or so, I’ve been having performance problems on my web hosting provider: Process were (and still are) getting randomly killed for allegedly using “too much CPU.”  Log file activity had entries like this:[Wed Dec 26 19:43:04 2007] [crit] [client] (12)Cannot allocate memory: default_handler: mmap failed: /i/wunderground_dec252007.jpg Disabling some WordPress plugins

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Year in Review

1Q 2007: Traveled to: Reno, Trondheim, San Diego. Ride: RACMOD with John, Claire and David. Did the polar bear plunge. Blizzard. Turned forty (my “permanent record” didn’t come back to haunt me, though it occasionally taunts me). Finished knitting my scarf. Pleased that Woodstock has joined and is enjoying 43things. 2Q 2007: Traveled to: Pendleton

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I started receiving three of “invitations” from on behalf of former coworkers: “Hi Jim Carson, [former coworker] has invited you to join their Trust Network on Spock. Click here to get started. Spock is a people search application for finding anyone in the world. Your Trust Network helps Spock tailor search for people you

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22 seconds longer

There’s a joke around the office that I am most likely to ride when it’s most miserable outside. Conversely, when it’s sunny, I’ve often got something else going on that keeps me off the bike. That was how last week played out. Tuesday: I was coming back from a ten-day hiatus from cycling. The rain

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