Cool Geek Tricks

Internet Usage Survey

(I’m in the process of migrating from WordPress back to MovableType — and catching up from being out of town for nearly two weeks last month. Content’s imported, but cross-linking is so McBroken, it’s not even funny.) Mitch found this interesting post from Business Pundit regarding The Pew Internet and American Life Project:

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Flat trick

I went almost four months without a flat tire. Then, on Friday, I had three after running over some kind of extra-terrestial poly-thorned bramble. The tire may be is unsalvagable. (Danger: Excessive data recording below the fold)

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Bellevue Botanical Garden

Mr. Frog is upset withthe party-crashers Today was a private function for patrons of the Bellevue Botanical Garden. The first clue was the abundant parking and lack of throngs of people queuing up for the hot caffeine injection. The second clue was the lights being shut down… at 7p.m. On the way out, I saw

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Distributed comment spamming

Today I had my first distributed, coordinated comment spam attack. This one was interesting because within a five minute time span, twenty comments were posted to three separate entries. The comments used a similarly formated message but linked to different, legitimate web sites. They were also from completely different IP addresses (list below the fold).

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