Cool Geek Tricks

Good but not great

Puget Sound Energy has a pilot program going on where they send a subset of customers an “energy report” comparing their consumption to neighbors (image links to larger one): For October 2008, I am 2% above my “efficient neighbors,” whoever they are, and that lumps me into the good but not great category.  Oh, don’t […]

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Not that I need another hobby, but… I’ve belatedly taken my friend Tracey’s suggestion to try geocaching, essentially a treasure hunt.  When I started reading about it last month, I was impressed with how many of these things there are.  Check out the map of geocaches within a few miles of home: The first one

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Not so privacy

Google’s Gmail has a nifty feature that lets you set up other mailboxes so they’re accessible in one place. Thus, instead of logging into one of my other domains’ mail client to answer email sent to “toothfairy@” (for kids who might want to ask about the business model), I can just do it from Google.

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All I wanted to do was migrate my work-related forum to a new host.  Here’s how it should have worked: Copy stuff over Edit configuration files Populate database rock on Here’s how it actually worked: Copy stuff over Edit configuration files Populate database Software was unable to connect to a database because php5’s developers do

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Minty Boost

During last week’s ride, I hit the limits of my GPS‘ ten to eleven hours of internal battery capacity. So, with it officially being spring, when young minds turn to thoughts of riding more, it seemed to be a good time to build the Minty Boost kit I received for Christmas. The Minty Boost is

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Movable Type 4 beta 1

This morning I received over a dozen digest messages from Six Apart’s “ProNet” mailing list. Digests are once a day. Well, they should be. (Unfortunately, everyone uses the same python-based list manager, and it gets excited when subscribers get excited.) The big news is Movable Type 4.0 is in beta. I installed it this morning

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How many cans?

Disclaimer: The experiment isn’t being conducted by me, but I have taken an interest in it because it involves: a toiletry that I use regularly my car determining how much toiletry would be needed to fill my car Naturally, once the experimenters got me thinking about this, I had to estimate the answer. They’re not

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Data glitches

While pondering data graphs from my cycle computer, I wondered why the axis always had very high values on them. For example, on the graph to the right is from Friday’s commute. The “speed” range is -25mph to +125mph. Even more puzzling, there is a point on the graph where I am apparently going 87

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