Cool Geek Tricks

Neat display

NOAA had a very cool display at Supercomputing 2010 this year.   I would like to think think Cliff Mass has one of these in his study: Fig 1:It’s a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port. The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A white sphere, suspended in the middle of the

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Fossil Digging

Last May, we took a long weekend to go dig fossils at the Stonerose Interpretive Center in Republic, WA. The fossils are from the Eocene epoch (about 50 million years ago), when eastern Washington was tropical. The city of Republic was part of an ancient lake. For a nominal fee ($6/person plus $4 for hammer

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Have data, will geek

I had waaaay too much fun with this data visualization software… Sheet 1 Powered by Tableau (Note, you will need javascript enabled as there is an embedded scripty thingie. The controls aren’t ideal — mouse mode selection is on the bottom; to zoom out, use the shift key — but it excites me how little

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I have to agree with Elizabeth that the whole taking a phone call in the middle of a meeting is off-putting.  Some of my coworkers are notorious about this, often jumping to address a quadrant 4 domestic issue.  I do try to ignore any calls until after the meeting’s over.  One exception is if my spouse’s

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In the chart below, the red line represents the time-history of my participation in Postcrossing for the past two years.  The red line shows postcards sent, the blue line is the number received.  Any guesses where I lost interest because the five-card limit on cards in-circulation was a problem?  Bueller? They’ve since increased the limit

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