Cool Geek Tricks

Automatic Update Usability

On the surface, Windows XP’s automatic updates seems to be a good idea: your system is regularly patched, the updates are downloaded during off-hours, installation is painless. A problem with this is the implementation of the nag-you-until-you-capitulate-and-reboot option. For example, consider the dialog above. After installing the (snicker) Windows Installer Update Patch, I’m asked to […]

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Last night, while trying to comment on one of the blogs I frequent, I received this message: Your comment was denied for questionable content. Yes! I’ve hit the big time. Next up is an AM radio syndication deal, VH-1’s Behind the Music (you don’t want to know), an “unauthorized” biography, and a cover story in

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43 things

I saw the buzz (and the ludicrous conspiracy theory) about Amazon’s investment into 43 Things. Amazon’s interest makes sense given many of the principals were previously involved with Amazon’s rocking p13n team. They make features like this that sucker you into spending more time and money on Amazon’s site and enjoying it. I don’t mean

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Plastic Surgery

My Dell Latitude is nearly four years old, which is about 85 in Laptop-years. Sure, the glide pad has an unnatural sheen in the middle, buffeted by hundreds of hours of hackery; the bumps on the “F” and “J” keys wore off a long time ago; and the cooling fan groans whenever I do serious

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Link Refererer spamming

Referer link spamming is when someone from Site A fakes out web servers on Site B into thinking someone was referred from Site A. The hope is that Site B is running one of those dynamic visitors lists and, by doing so, Site A appears on Site B’s list when Google’s indexing spider visits. Google

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