Cool Geek Tricks

Going Greek

It’s bad enough that we’re using Greek letters for hurricanes and product release phases (how’s that for juxtaposition?), but yesterday’s presentations became progressively top-heavy in their use of mathematical notation. Even though I used to be a math gΣΣk, it was too much and I bugged out around 2:30 to go biking. (That’s the excuse […]

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Plain English Privacy Policy

I’ve been seeing an increase in sites looking for w3c/p3p.xml, the w3c’s privacy policy thingie. I’ve skimmed through the spec and think it’s designed by robots for robots. Anyway, here’s my first stab at a policy. Legal and Privacy Policy (First draft: October 2, 2005.  last update: December 25, 2010) 1. You have none The

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Road deconstruction

All summer there’s been some construction on the roads I take to work. For the last month, it’s been in a weird interim stage whereby the semi-reconstructed areas have a lot of gravel and the vegetation is overgrown, but the felt surrounding the storm drains hasn’t been removed because some other group has to rip

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Google finally issued a check for my last ten months’ participation in their AdSense program. Despite the $100 minimum, AdSense has produced much more in the ten months than Amazon’s Associates program has in the five-plus years I’ve participated. It’s certainly a lot less effort and, to some extent, more entertaining. We hit another record

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