Polar bear plunge

In Friday’s Seattle Times there was a brief mention of the Polar Bears‘ annual plunge into the chilly waters around Puget Sound. Since I’m a bachelor this week, I figured why the heck not and casually mentioned this to a coworker who offered to come take pictures of the nuttiness my wife would be missing. […]

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A $255 death benefit?

On alternate years, the Social Security Administration sends me a statement estimating various theoretical payouts should I retire or die. I showed up in their system in 1981, when I made a cool $1,337 working in the local grocery store bakery after school. Like Susan, some of my compensation was under-the-table (the forms required to

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Impress her… not

A “Joe-Job” is when a spammer sends out thousands of emails, masquerading as someone else. When the (334) emails bounce or (three) people respond, it comes to the lucky joe-jobbee, e.g. me. The deluge of mail headers this morning suggest distributed spammery, so I’m not even going to bother with firing off futile requests to

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Generic Seasonal Greetings

I always loved receiving holiday newsletters because they present a blog-like view, in Cliff’s Notes-length of what’s been going with a family during the last year. (My mother-in-law is the Jedi Master of these.) Hoping, perhaps naively, others shared this enthusiasm, we’ve put together one of our own for the last decade and a half.

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