Flat trick
I went almost four months without a flat tire. Then, on Friday, I had three after running over some kind of extra-terrestial poly-thorned bramble. The tire may be is unsalvagable. (Danger: Excessive data recording below the fold)
I went almost four months without a flat tire. Then, on Friday, I had three after running over some kind of extra-terrestial poly-thorned bramble. The tire may be is unsalvagable. (Danger: Excessive data recording below the fold)
There was no power at the office this morning because a transformer blew. Or, maybe, its dilithium crystals suffered a tachyon inversion. Or, whatever. As several of us gathered at the Starbucks #2 across the street to enjoy our liquid breakfasts, the subject of personal web sites (and their subjects) came up.
Private or public? Read More »
I’m conducting an experiment to answer two questions that have plagued mankind since 2005: 1) “what would happen if I switched my blog software from MovableType to WordPress?” and 2) “while we’re doing that, how about changing all of my music from an uniquely-organized hierarchy of mood-based directories and files to iTunes?” The transition to
Severe entropy generation, ahoy! Read More »
Last night’s ride home was a doozy because of the torrential downpour… easily the wettest I’ve been since RSVP 2004. The wind started kicking up around 5:30, knocking out power to the street lights. A tree had fallen across the road a mere 1/4 mile past the entrance to my subdivision. When I woke up,
Like snow, but with trees Read More »
This is an excerpt from this morning’s Wall Street Journal. Comments in square brackets are mine. A [company] laptop containing the names and Social Security numbers of [an equivalent to the population of Miami, FL] workers and retirees has been stolen, putting the employees at risk for identity theft and credit-card fraud. The theft was
No customer data lost! Read More »
This Geek Test has been going around work. At 507 questions, it’s long and, unfortunately, I’ve got the high score at 38.65878%. There were several questions I wanted to comment on.
Did you mean Ozzy Osbourne’s “(Peppermint) Bark at the Moon”? I was online last night, hoping to find a very specific Christmas gift for someone. Google offered several “sponsored links.” Companies pay Google a mystery amount for placement when someone searches for this term. Bid more, rank higher. It’s consumer capitalism at its finest, and
Search engine misoptimization Read More »
Some photos from last week’s pasting. On the way to work Wednesday, my car’s windshield cracked from the severe temperature difference. I also discovered the CD player won’t spin the disc when the interior of the car is below freezing. By Saturday, most of it had melted off from the slightly warmer rain.