Interstate logo signs

If you’ve traveled on an interstate, you’ve no doubt noticed an abundance of helpful blue signs pointing out things interesting to a motorist: food, lodging/camping, fuel, and major attractions. In my recent odyssey around the western US, I noticed many of these signs and was curious how one gets them, how much they cost, rules, […]

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Auto maintenance

I have 19,000 miles on my car, having driven 4,000 of that in this month alone. (More on that later.) While updating my car’s maintenance history on the Subaru owner site this morning, I was puzzled that they were flagging my car for being past due on the “18,750 mile service.” 18,750?!?

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A week in the life of…

A couple of years ago I was working on my MBA in one of the “Executive” programs, where the students work full time while attending classes full-time. The math is tricky, but essentially you get no sleep for eighteen months. Jill Bowman, then current director, wanted me to write a “Day In The Life Of”

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