Chilly Hilly 2004

This year’s Chilly Hilly (Map, Tick sheet) had even better weather than last year’s (10°F warmer), and none of the forecast rain. I took the first, “bikes only” ferry at 7:45. I’d love to know how many people were there, but it certainly was in the high hundreds. The inside of the ferry was packed

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Photo class

As I mentioned a few days ago, I’ve been taking a basic camera operation course at one of the local community colleges. I had taken some rather pathetic photos while working through all the exercises (depth of field, shutter speed, light) but all of it came together last weekend during a photo shoot. Below are

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el 24 de febrero

I’m officially middle-aged today, and am feeling a lot better about this than my taste buds. On this day in… 1821, Mexico declared its independence from Spain. I know, you were thinking this was what Cinco de Mayo was all about. Actually, Cinco de Mayo commemorates General Zaragoza in the 1862 Battle of Puebla against

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Fun with Skittles

I’m taking a photography class in hopes that I can improve my technique. We have an exhibition in a couple of weeks, and I’m behind on the number of “exhibitable” (ahem) prints. This weekend I rented a fisheye (16mm f2.8) and a macro (105mm f2.8) lens and set out to take a bunch of photos

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