
How many cans?

Disclaimer: The experiment isn’t being conducted by me, but I have taken an interest in it because it involves: a toiletry that I use regularly my car determining how much toiletry would be needed to fill my car Naturally, once the experimenters got me thinking about this, I had to estimate the answer. They’re not […]

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Hotel reservations

As I type this, I’ve spent 17:30 on the phone trying to book a hotel reservation for an industry trade show. The “conference rate,” which involves pre-allocating a block of rooms in exchange for tacit endorsement of the hotel as a preferred venue, is a substantial break over the hotel’s normal mid-week rack rate. Because

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Duty Free

On the way home, passengers at Trondheim’s international terminal are routeed right through the Duty Free store on the way to the departure gate. Having walked through this the other way, I realize the intent was that I should/would have gone through it the first time, meeting Norwegian customs at the other end after an

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Seychelles time

I spent an enjoyable day with my customer, learning a lot about oil exploration, sedimentation drift, and modern Norwegian history. The capstone was a home-cooked meal and occasional juvenile snickering while we all agreed that modeling TFD is an important, though funny problem.

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Closed on Sundays

Day two of jet lag is the worst. I think my body clock is set on Mumbai time. I woke up at 4:30 a.m, pissing away most of the early morning playing computer games. At 10, I kicked myself out of the hotel room to spend four hours hiking around town, disguised as a camera-toting

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Ice Planet Hoth

The white noise and vibration during the takeoff phase of an aircraft always puts me to sleep. It was my hope that I’d stay that way for a significant portion of the flight to Amsterdam. Unfortunately, The Machine That Goes Ping does so at 10,000 feet, when it’s arbitrarily okay to operate portable electronic devices.

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