
Post NaNo Debriefing

I ended up with four good non-fiction essay drafts, four blog topics, two bonafide novel ideas for next year’s NaNoWriMo, and a caffeine-monkey that I need to get off off my back. My experience closely paralleled Chris Baty’s book. 11/1 – 3 – enthusiasm. I was sitting in the corner of Cafe Allegro and just

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In the NaNoWriMo excerpt I wrote this weekend, my characters were avoiding doing anything by debating why “tricky questions” are so prevalent during interviews. By “tricky question,” I mean something that has nothing to do with practicality, but might win you a bar bet or provide suitable blogging material (for me). For example, I was

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Random Music Meme

This one is borrowed from Kristin. The rules: Open up the music player on your computer (if you have one — the music player, I mean. Clearly you have a computer, because otherwise you couldn’t read this). Set it to play your entire music collection. Hit the “shuffle” command. Tell us the title of the

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Plastic Surgery

My Dell Latitude is nearly four years old, which is about 85 in Laptop-years. Sure, the glide pad has an unnatural sheen in the middle, buffeted by hundreds of hours of hackery; the bumps on the “F” and “J” keys wore off a long time ago; and the cooling fan groans whenever I do serious

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IQ test

A friend is working on her Ph.D. in psychology and needed a victimvolunteer to take an I.Q. test. It would be filmed, so her professor could review her testing technique. Most potential volunteers backed down when they found out she’s not allowed to reveal the results of the test (she’s not certified). Without revealing actual

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