
Year in Review

1Q 2007: Traveled to: Reno, Trondheim, San Diego. Ride: RACMOD with John, Claire and David. Did the polar bear plunge. Blizzard. Turned forty (my “permanent record” didn’t come back to haunt me, though it occasionally taunts me). Finished knitting my scarf. Pleased that Woodstock has joined and is enjoying 43things. 2Q 2007: Traveled to: Pendleton […]

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I started receiving three of “invitations” from on behalf of former coworkers: “Hi Jim Carson, [former coworker] has invited you to join their Trust Network on Spock. Click here to get started. Spock is a people search application for finding anyone in the world. Your Trust Network helps Spock tailor search for people you

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Hello Kitty bag

My roller bag has endured immeasurable abuse in its three continent, twelve-year service. The zipper pulls had fallen off on the cobblestones of Amsterdam ((Because I was too cheap to change currency and get a cab, I took a train. It was an interesting two hours of people watching before I found the Radisson.)) in

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22 seconds longer

There’s a joke around the office that I am most likely to ride when it’s most miserable outside. Conversely, when it’s sunny, I’ve often got something else going on that keeps me off the bike. That was how last week played out. Tuesday: I was coming back from a ten-day hiatus from cycling. The rain

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I am manly

I saw an interesting meme on Uncertain Principles (originated by Cut to the Chase). The first list comes from Popular Mechanics 25 Skills every man should know. The list below, my “skills” in bold: Patch a radiator hose Protect your computer Rescue a boater who has capsized Frame a wall Retouch digital photos Back up

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Poo happens

I’ve been having problems with my toilets not disposing of the their content on the first try. I’ve plunged. I’ve augured. I’ve read a lot of home repair books. As this was affecting all three toilets, it was logical to suspect something was clogged in the sewer line, the kind of repair that I don’t

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The current cold/flu like malady is vectoring itself through work and home. My voice has gone from baritone to bass, my boss is out, and I can hear the sniffles rolling around in my kids, just in time for vacation. To help the kids sleep easier, we usually give them a decongestant at bedtime, and

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Polar Bear Plunge Seattle

I did the Polar Bear Plunge (aka “Polar Bear Swim”) again this year. Since I had better planning going into it, I thought I’d try going to the big shindig at Matthews Beach sponsored by the Seattle Parks Department. Writes The Stranger: “(Gloating) Last year, 800 foolish hippies kicked off the New Year with this

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