
Weight Loss

I am back down to my 1989 weight (hooyeah). No gimmicks or mysterious proprietary elixirs were involved; however, I’ll let you in on a secret… it ain’t easy. Gratuitious personal saga followed by my thoughts on weight loss. Unless you’re having a hard time sleeping, you probably want to skip forward a screenful. 🙂 In […]

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Pike Place CSA

Back in June we signed up to receive weekly market baskets from the Pike Place CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), a program that connects the farmers with the end consumers.

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My aching knees

Sunday’s ride was the fastest I’ve ridden in about 12 years. I tried bike-commuting on Tuesday and reduced my morning commute time to just over 1:30, which is about 1/2 hour less than when I started a year ago. Coming home, my knees started to hurt and for most of the week, they’ve been very

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