The final piece I wanted to preserve from the upcoming Facepocalypse was a meme known as the “3s of Me.” The original one landing my way had a lot of “not applicables”, perhaps being written for someone with zero likelihood of shuttling a mini-van-ful of kids to ballet. I ignored it. Then, John Chawner posted his and took some liberties. Tagged, and amused, I was obliged.

(Since posting this, Amazon Prime has offered an increasing variety of old TV shows free, so I’ve seen half a season of Lost. Also, about three months (and countless visits) after posting, I found the geocache Over The Top.)
According to Facebook’s Terms of Service, I have to post one of these introspective things at least once a year. It’s down there on subsection 23, canto VII, dangling participle three. So you don’t get caught out of compliance, too, click on the `TMI‘ tab on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, re-type your 3’s of Me, then throw your computer across the room because another urgent Adobe Flash security update was issued while you were installing the previous Windows Tuesday superpatch – reboot now or in five minutes.
If I tagged you, then you are “it.” I don’t know what that means, so you better ask a seven year-old.
Three names I go by:
1. Jim
2. Dude, party of four. Dude, party of four?
3. Supreme Galactic Commander
Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Registry cleaner
2. Baker’s yeast whisperer
3. Personal masseur (to Mrs. C)
Three Places I have visited
1. Cut-n-Shoot, TX
2. Tortilla Flat, AZ
Three favorite foods: This
Three foods I despise:
1. Bleu cheese (moldy anything)
2. Wasabi
3. Crab eye stalks
Three TV Shows that I have never seen before:
1. American Idol
2. Lost
3. Scrubs
Three favorite states of matter:
1. Solid
2. Liquid
3. Bose-Einstein condensate
Three [redacted]:
1. [redacted]
2. [redacted]
3. [redacted]
Three favorite equations:
1. ei * pi + 1 = 0
2. derivative of hi/ho
3. PV=nRT
Three friends I think will respond
1. Twitter stalk-bot
2. Twitter spam-bot
Three things I am looking forward to
1. Cashing in my $25 million (lump sum) lottery ticket
2. Investigative journalism making a comeback.
3. Finding the geocache “Over the Top.”