Power outage in the Puget Sound area

Bomb Cyclone

The “bomb cyclone” we had in November was a surreal experience. I had to go to a customer meeting that afternoon, and towards the end, kept checking my phone for the wind. The storm itself didn’t make landfall, but its pressure center was so low, it sucked wind from the east. The easterly wind caused

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Geobituary (GCJQGP) Rebuild

About 12 years ago, I adopted a Geobituary (GCJQGP), a puzzle cache published in 2004. The puzzle was, unfortunately, ambiguous, and there was no checker. The container (a mini-tombstone) and its location adjacent to a city cemetery were fantastic. When I adopted it, the container was in bad shape from the weather. I sought out

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Sometimes poop happens

When my daughter was in college, I’d periodically visit to check up and take her on a Target trip to ensure she had all the household comforts needed. Although there was scheduled flight service to the college town, it was generally cheaper and quicker taking the nonstop from Seattle to either Chicago O’Hare or Milwaukee

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Metallic shark - black top, white teeth, red tongue. Held up by metal braces.

Pomeroy, WA

I’ve been through the town of Pomeroy, WA, a couple of times. The first, in 2010, was during my last Cycle Oregon, which I had to DNF shortly thereafter because I’d acquired Achilles tendonosis. That was extra unfortunate because I was over 40, and it took a long time to heal. However before then I

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Planet Word main stage

DC Trip 2024

I made my third trip to Washington, DC, but the first time I’d spent any time for vacation. Some of the things we saw during the trip: Smithsonian Air and Space Museum The National Air and Space Museum is one of the most popular museums for a good reason, and you absolutely must get (free)

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